PuntoSeguro Blog

Las mejores ayudas técnicas para personas mayores con movilidad reducida, para evitar accidentes, tanto dentro, como fuera del hogar

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What are the best technical aids for the elderly that will allow our elders to ensure their autonomy and quality of life? Frequently, this is one of the most repeated questions when we have a close family member who has begun to lose mobility and who has certain difficulties in being able to carry out their day-to-day development under normal conditions.

On specialized websites, such as Activa Senior , they have been offering a wide variety of advice for years on how to ensure maximum quality in the day-to-day life of elderly people with reduced mobility in order to avoid accidents. Both indoors and outdoors. Here are the best options you can find.

toilet lifters

Toilet lifts are one of the best options we find in terms of grooming and personal hygiene. These types of objects allow us to increase the height of our WC with the aim that the effort of getting up and sitting on it is less than what we could find in normal conditions.

In recent years there have been a large number of brands specializing in this type of product. Ensuring the best possible experience to meet all our needs in terms of personal autonomy. There are different heights and shapes, allowing it to adapt to all types of scenarios.

toilet chairs

What happens when a person does not have enough mobility to go to the toilet? In this case, WC chairs are one of the best options that we can opt for. Despite the daily life that comes from the action of going to the toilet, people with reduced mobility have one of their great challenges in this type of action.

Commode chairs for the elderly offer a very practical solution to all these people. As well as the caregivers and family members who are dedicated to ensuring coverage for all your needs. Being one of the best technical aids that we can currently find on the market to deal with one of the most common problems that we can find.

anti-decubitus mattresses

Anti – decubitus mattresses are another of the alternatives on which we must focus our attention. Elderly or mobility-impaired people who have trouble standing often spend a lot of time in bed. The result is the appearance of sores or scars on the skin that can present significant problems. These ulcers are common and are caused by the friction and pressure of the mattress on the skin. However, there are remedies that can prevent or delay its appearance.

This is the case of anti- decubitus mattresses, with materials that are much more adaptable to our body that minimize the risk of suffering any type of injury to our skin.


Walkers are positioned as one of the best solutions on the market to offer greater autonomy to our elders.

Being one of the resources to take into account when our family member begins to experience mobility problems, but only requires extra support to be able to complete their daily activity.

anti-decubitus cushions

Like mattresses, anti- decubitus cushions are designed for those people who spend many hours sitting in the same location and want to avoid suffering from sores or discomfort caused by rubbing against the seat fabric.

These types of cushions are made with special materials, much more malleable and soft, which avoid any possible problem related to this issue.


Finally, it is key to highlight the good performance offered by wheelchairs when it comes to improving the mobility and autonomy of a family member with problems related to this issue. These types of tools have become essential for all those individuals who need technical assistance to be able to move around and improve their quality of life.

The wide variety of options that currently exist from the main manufacturers allow us to find an option with which to satisfy all our needs.

There are many technical aids that we can opt for. At the time of buying the best option, it is important not only to think about the present. But also invest in those objects that can be of great help in the medium and long term.

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